Factors associated with professionals to carry out health education activities for primiparous pregnant women and informal caregivers during the covid-19 pandemic


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Palabras clave

Health professional; employment situation; consultation modality; consultation time; Health Education; primiparous pregnant; main caregiver.

Cómo citar

López García, E. P., & Sánchez, M. (2023). Factors associated with professionals to carry out health education activities for primiparous pregnant women and informal caregivers during the covid-19 pandemic. RqR Quantitative and Qualitative Community Nursing Research, 11(1). Recuperado a partir de https://rqr.seapaonline.org/index.php/rqr/article/view/18



This study aimed to know factors associated with health professionals to carry out Health Education to the primiparous pregnant woman and the main caregiver for the promotion of breastfeeding.


A total of 150 health professionals from the Health Area of Valladolid East who attend first-time pregnant women and the main caregiver


The study used structured self-administered questionnaires to assess the effects of

the following elements: professional category (family doctor, area doctor, pediatrician, family and community nurse, area nurse, midwife, medical student and nursing student), employment status (permanent, interim and substitute), number of scheduled and on-demand consultations, and time of the primiparous pregnant woman and in both modalities including the caregiver, need for training and application of a comprehensive program


Statistical significance was recorded between number of consultations on demand including the caregiver and Health Education (Eps), (p≤0.000) and time spent in scheduled consultation with pregnant women (p≤0.000), and including the caregiver (p ≤0.000); and time in consultation on demand only for the pregnant woman (p = <2e-16) with Eps. Also the employment situation of professionals with EPS, in scheduled consultation with a pregnant woman (p≤0.000), in scheduled consultation with a caregiver (p≤0.000), in consultation with a pregnant woman (p = <2.2e-16) and in On-demand consultation with a caregiver (p≤0.000).



There is a significant difference between the number of consultations, time and employment status of professionals with Health Education activities. Usually, health professionals provide little health education to the primiparous pregnant woman, including the caregiver.

pdf (English)


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