Relación del autoconcepto con la salud en población adolescente. Un estudio piloto en el barrio de el Coto-Viesques (Gijón) (Español (España))


Self Concept, Adolescent, Healthy Lifestyle.

How to Cite

Bernardo Rey, N., & López Castellanos, T. (2024). Español. RqR Quantitative and Qualitative Community Nursing Research, 12(1). Retrieved from


The main objective of this work was to know the relationship between self-concept and lifestyles in adolescents from Gijón. A pilot was carried out through an observational, cross-sectional study at the El Coto health center in Gijón. A consecutive sampling was carried out, where all the 13-year-old adolescents who attended the pediatric consultations for the well-child check-up were captured during a period of two months, recruiting a total of 20 participants. This study analyzed the relationship between self-concept, measured multidimensionally - academic, social, physical, personal and general dimensions - with different sociodemographic variables, adherence to the Mediterranean diet, amount of physical activity, substance use and quality of life. For the analysis, simple regression models were used with the R statistical software. An association was found between greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet and greater personal self-concept (95% CI 0.05 to 0.25). It was also possible to relate the degree of physical activity with physical self-concept (95% CI 0.1 to 0.48). A larger sample size is necessary to extrapolate these results in the study population. A causal relationship cannot be concluded since we are dealing with a cross-sectional design, which makes it necessary as a future course of action to carry out studies with another prospective design. In this way, programs could be developed from primary care focused on increasing self-concept to correct habits and promote healthy behaviors.
Relación del autoconcepto con la salud en población adolescente. Un estudio piloto en el barrio de el Coto-Viesques (Gijón) (Español (España))


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