Digital transformation in the screening of tobacco and alcohol consumption in Primary Care, by means of an asynchronous telematic consultation.
Transformación digital en el cribado del consumo de tabaco y alcohol en la Atención Primaria, mediante una consulta telemática asíncrona (Español (España))


Keywords: E-mail, Mass screening, Digital health, Smoking, Alcoholism, Primary Health Care

How to Cite

Reig Garcia, G. (2024). Digital transformation in the screening of tobacco and alcohol consumption in Primary Care, by means of an asynchronous telematic consultation. RqR Quantitative and Qualitative Community Nursing Research, 12(1). Retrieved from


Objective: To assess a digital tool for screening and recording tobacco and alcohol consumption.
Methodology: Cross-sectional study in a primary care setting. The sample included individuals aged 15 to 80 without records of preventive activities related to alcohol and tobacco consumption (n=1,779). These participants responded to a self-administered survey for screening alcohol and tobacco consumption through a web link. Evaluations were conducted for daily cigarette consumption and the risk of alcohol consumption (reduced AUDIT-C). Additionally, the satisfaction and acceptance of the tool used were examined.
Results: 64% of participants were women, with a mean age of 36 years (12.3). 72% reported alcohol consumption (60.2% men). Among those aged 26 to 50, 61.9% consumed alcohol, and 15% were smokers, with higher alcohol consumption among men (p<0.05). 67.9% were low-risk drinkers, and 4.5% were at risk. Satisfaction with the screening tool was rated at 3.95 (1-5) points. Conclusions: Screening for alcohol consumption through eConsultation showed differences based on gender and age. Although the tool received a positive evaluation, its implementation requires addressing digital barriers. The analysis emphasizes the importance of Primary Care in managing health-harming behaviors, providing valuable insights into effective approaches and clinical practices.


Keywords: E-mail, Mass screening, Digital health, Smoking, Alcoholism, Primary Health Care

Transformación digital en el cribado del consumo de tabaco y alcohol en la Atención Primaria, mediante una consulta telemática asíncrona (Español (España))


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