Aim: To describe the level of agreement of people with ME-CFS using nursing diagnostic labels assigned by CdePS.
Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study. Population: adults with ME-CFS diagnosis. Not probabilistic sampling method. Data collected between May and July 2022 via an ad hoc form. Nursing diagnostic labels assigned using the CdePS. To measure the level of agreement with them, a 5-point Likert scale was used. A descriptive analysis was conducted.
Results: 48 people completed the form. The 28 nursing diagnostic labels from the CdePS were assigned. The most frequently assigned label was “Powerlessness” (79,17%). 100% of people with the labels “Chronic Sorrow” and “Hopelessness” indicated to be strongly agreed/rather agreed with them. The highest disagreement levels was “Risk of Complicated Grieving” and “Risk of Loneliness” labels, where 75% and 60% indicated they strongly disagreed/rather disagreed with them.
Conclusions: Participants show high percentage of agreement with the nursing diagnostic labels by CdePS.
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