Objective: To analyze the most current evidence in relation to nursing interventions in health promotion in primary care in Spain.
Method: During the review process, we followed the recommendations for improving the publication of systematic reviews and meta-analyses and the preferred reporting points for PRISMAScR systematic reviews. The bibliographic search was carried out in the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), SCOPUS, MedLine / PubMed, Cochrane, Google Scholar databases, with free and controlled language (MeSH terms) using the Boolean operators AND and OR. 8 selected articles were analyzed. The articles were selected based on their relevance, of which the clinical trial was identified as the main type of study. The search was limited to articles published between 2018-2023.
Results: The main study tool represents the group educational intervention. The most important discussion topics extracted in the analyzed articles refer to diabetes, chronic pain, physical activity, obesity and caregivers.
Conclusions: The findings of this study indicate that the increase in knowledge, self-efficacy and perception of benefits corroborates that an educational intervention could be considered a useful tool to promote health promotion in primary care.
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