Investigation of the Nursing Theses Related to Wound Care in Spain
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Wounds and injuries
Wound healing
Academic Dissertation

How to Cite

Sánchez-Gálvez, J., Mateo-Ramírez , F., Sobrido-Prieto, M., Martínez-Isasi, S., & Fernández-García, D. (2023). Investigation of the Nursing Theses Related to Wound Care in Spain. RqR Quantitative and Qualitative Community Nursing Research, 11(2). Retrieved from


Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate the doctoral scientific production of nursing in relation to the deterioration of skin integrity, analyzing the subject matter and the types of lesions on which they focus.

Methods: Descriptive, observational, retrospective study. A search was performed in the Database of Doctoral Theses of the Spanish Ministry of Universities with the keywords "Ulcer", "Wound", "Diabetic foot", "Ostomy", "Burns", "Burn", "Burned" and "Deterioration of skin integrity". A peer review was developed for thesis selection and data extraction, following the eligibility criteria.

Results: 159 theses were selected, 56 of them by nurses. It was determined that most of the theses analyzed (54%) were performed between the academic years 2013-2014 and 2021-2022 and 47.6% of them were nurse theses. By type of injury 57.1% were pressure ulcers, 10.7% were vascular ulcers, 3.6% were ostomies, another 3.6% were diabetic foot ulcers, 1.8% were burns and 1.8% were surgical wounds.

Conclusion: It is observed that nursing doctoral theses focus mainly on pressure ulcers and are mostly descriptive (prevention, incidence, quality of life, measurement of the level of knowledge and determination of the burden of care).

PDF (Español (España))


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